Michelangelo Gift Box

  • Sale
  • Regular price $180.00

Take your pantry on a trip to Italy with Chef Donato and Gianluca as your guides! This basket features a wide variety of our imported and home made favorites to satisfy your sweet and savory tooth! From Panettone to our exclusively imported Gianni Frasi coffee, this basket is guaranteed to impress your loved ones--or treat yourself.

This box includes:

1 Gianni Frasi Coffee - 500 g (Whole beans)

1 Infermentum Panettone

1 Mancini Pasta

1 Biscotti Misti Bag - 5 oz

1 Candied "Page" Mandarins - 8 oz

1 Santa Chiara Extra Virgin Olive Oil - 500 ml

1 Sugo Pomodoro - 16 oz

1 Grissini - 4 oz

1 Crackers - 3 oz

1 Grana Padano - 8 oz

1 Salsa di Olive - 8 oz

1 Gift box 

 *Email onlineorders@donatoresgroup.com for quantity discounts.